Australian Labradoodles UK

Churchill Australian Labradoodles Code Of Ethics
Our Australian Labradoodle puppies are born and socialised within our home, which is a cottage which is surrounded by fields in the county of Essex
All of our dogs are family, first and foremost.
All of our dogs are family pets, and they share our home. They snooze on the sofa, laze in the kitchen, and sleep on the beds.
We never rehome retired Mums and Dads; they have their own forever families, which is where they stay.
We will not allow our girls to be mums under 18 months of age
Our mums have a maximum of 4 litters in a lifetime.
All our breeding dogs have a full health screening, including; Hip scored by the BVA or OFA Elbow scored by the BVA.
They will undergo physical Eye testing tests for the following inherited eye diseases:
MRD – Multifocal Retinal Dysplasia
TRD – Total Retinal Dysplasia
GPRA – Generalised Progressive Retinal Atrophy, CPRA – Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy
DNA Tests - VWD (Von Willebrand )
DNA Tests - PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
DNA Test - DM (Degenerative Myelopathy)
DNA Test - IC (Improper Coat)
DNA Test - EIC (Exercise-induced Collapse)
We will ONLY breed from parents of sound temperaments.
We only sell our puppies to approved families and never through selling sites.
We ensure that our dogs and puppies have the appropriate vaccinations and veterinary attention. Their health and happiness are paramount.
We provide our families with a private website page for their litter, full of all the information you need to raise a happy, healthy puppy. We provide written instructions on all dietary, worming, exercise, training and immunisation requirements and offer advice regarding insurance and all other matters.
We provide a lifetime of support and friendship.
We are honest and trustworthy. We believe that being kind is so important. We are all here to help each other and to make the world a better place, particularly for precious loving animals who put so much trust in us and give so much.
We will never knowingly misrepresent, advise or mislead anyone regarding the characteristics of any dog.
We ask all new owners to enter into a Puppy Contract - giving both parties peace of mind.
We will only sell dogs to homes that can offer our puppies happy, healthy lives and responsible ownership.
We will help with re-homing should circumstances change. Our contract states that our puppies must return to us. Whether they are ten weeks or ten years old, we created them, and therefore, as they say, ''the buck stops with us'' We will always want what's best for our puppies.
All our Australian Labradoodle Puppies are microchipped.
We reserve the right to decline to sell a puppy/adult dog to a prospective new owner for whatever reason.
We offer a lifelong after-care service for as long as you and your puppy need us.
All of our puppies are Pet puppies Only.

Churchills Australian Labradoodle Breeders Blog