Welcome to your litter page for Beatrice and Ruperts 2024
Born 21st June 2024
Make sure you watch the videos with the volume up. Because I chat during the videos telling you how they are getting on.
Spaying and Neutering
The best time to spay a girl is just before her first season. This is because most people miss their first season, which not only risks pregnancy but also dog attacks. An unueted boy will smell her from a mile off and could attack to get to her. Missing her first season will delay spaying. Once they come into the season, you must wait three months as there is an increased risk of bleeding.
There is no way of accurately knowing when they will have their first season which will result in a breach of our contract.
With the girls, it's a quicker recovery if they haven't had a season. In basic terms, the womb is unused. With the boys again, the younger, the better. Having the boys done young avoid unwanted behaviours that entire males can display. Neutered adult dogs tend to have a pop at entire boys, so it is better to have them desexed young.
Younger animals have Low body fat, which makes these surgeries easier.
Like babies, younger dogs tolerate the procedures very well and recover quicker than older animals.
RVC, which governs all vets, states that the optimum age is from 4 months. Through our own experience, the younger they are, the quicker they recover.
Why is pet neutering important?
As well as preventing unwanted pregnancies, Neutering offers essential health benefits, including life-threatening cancers and reduces the risk of some behavioural problems.
Spaying and Neutering protect the development of the Australian Labradoodle Breed for future generations to enjoy.
We are responsible for only selecting the very best Australian Labradoodles to leave entire and breed on from. Because of this, the breed has and continues to develop with only the top-quality dogs able to continue in the development of the breed.
You have come to know me and understand that I truly put my heart and soul into every puppy. My dogs are my life—Im here to support you and guide you.
Spaying and Neutering are being performed frequently, and a range of benefits are provided for both animals and owners.
Spaying will stop the bleeding that occurs with every heat cycle and prevent any changes in behaviour associated with the heat cycle. Females who are not spayed but do not have puppies may develop false pregnancy or infection in the womb. Early spaying of females reduces the risk of developing mammary cancer (breast cancer) later in life. People do not realise the high risk of cancers in dogs. Breast tissue spaying removes this risk,
Some male dogs develop antisocial behaviour when they reach maturity. This may be in the
form of sexual behaviour - mounting other dogs or people. Uncastrated dogs can detect a female in season a long way away, making recall difficult. A dog who wanders is far more likely to be involved in a car accident. Castrating male dogs also reduces the risk of them developing diseases of the prostate and testicular cancer. Other dominant castrated males may attack an uncastrated male.
What happens when my pet is neutered?
Neutering and Spaying is only a day stay, and thousands upon thousands of neuters and spays are carried out every day. It is a routine procedure.
Your pet's neutering operation is performed under anaesthesia. You will be asked not to feed them from 10 pm the night before they go to the vet.
You will be asked to drop them into the vet in the morning.
The vet will always give them a health check-up before any procedure.
Your dog will be carefully monitored after surgery by our highly-qualified and registered veterinary nurses, who will call you to let you know how they are doing and when you can collect.
They will leave the vet with a cone on which you can change for a surgical suit. Your vet will sell them, or you can order them online.
They will ask you to keep them on the lead in the garden, allowing them to rest and recover.
In my experience, they are back to normal after a few days. Your vet will ask you to take them in for a check-up after 3-5 days.
Here is a link to the Royal Veterinary website that will explain more.
Please click on the link.
Dog and Puppy Neutering (rvc.ac.uk)
Early Days
Your puppy may encounter a little stress and cry during the early days. This is entirely normal and to be expected. It is a big deal for a little puppy to go to a new home, with lots of new smells, and new people to encounter without their siblings for support. Make your puppy their own little haven, an area where they feel secure. If you choose to use a crate, then pop a nice soft bed inside and the toy/blanket we give you. They will soon learn that this is an excellent place to be; however, as you are aware, I never use crates or cages, so this will be stressful for a young pup. We much prefer a playpen or a gate in a safe room. I highly recommend a playpen that you can pop their crate or bed inside, giving them more room to play, or maybe a gate in the kitchen or utility room. (remember to keep all cleaning products and food out of reach) When you are not there, please remember to remove their collar when they are in a crate of pens. This is because the collar can get caught on the bars and they can accidentally become strangled. Australian Labradoodles bond very quickly. Therefore it is essential not to spend every single moment with them, as they will get used to this and expect this all the time. It is ok to leave your puppy, during the day for an hour or so. Even to do your housework. When you leave your puppy, talk to them in a confident manner, I,e "Back soon, Be good" Try not to go back for a quick cuddle until the time is up. The first night is always the most stressful, particularly in new surroundings without their siblings.
Be patient; they will soon settle. Remember that it is no right or wrong to do what works for you. Remember you are moulding their little personalities.
Toilet this should be super easy
Your puppy jas been training to wee and poop on real grass since they were three weeks old.
I suggest that you pop to a garden centre a get a roll. of real grass and a tomato tray
Cut the grass to fit the tray... Hey, presto, eco-friendly, super easy wee pad.
Frequently pop your puppy on the grass. Patch
this should be at least every couple of hours. Stay with a puppy, but don't play when it is toilet time,
They have a very short attention span at such a young age, and if they start to play, they will forget all about going to the toilet.
Toilet training. Take puppy out every 1-2 hours and after every activity. Don't rely on the door being open during nice weather.
For example..
WAKE =Outside,
Just before they wee or poop they tend to circle Early Morning 6.30 - 7 am As soon as you get up pop the puppy on the grass.or take them outside to relieve themselves use lots of verbal praise. You may find that he has already been a good boy before you get up, but still try.
Food:- Able Raw Food. It's really important to continue to feed the same food. A sudden change will cause an upset tummy.
Amount, In order to grow and develop your puppy, requires 570 Kcal each day 377g – 400g per day split over 4 meals.
This will increase as they grow until the volume stabilises at 1 year old.
Please continue to refer to Able’s website to check the volume of food needed.
Feeding guidelines — Able® Raw Dog Food Leave water down all day but take up the food after 15 - 20 mins (you can pop the leftovers in the fridge for lunch.
Breakfast 06.30am - 07.30am
Mid Morning 11.00am - 11.30am
Afternoon 15.00pm - 15.30pm
Evening 19.00pm - 19.30pm
Obviously, you can move the times slightly to suit your life. Please remember to continue to give the pup 4 meals a day. Their tummies are only tiny so they need to eat little and often. If you find that they are waking up too early you can give a little top up of food just before bed or gradually move the feeding times so that the last meal is at 8.-8.30 They need 4 meals a day until they are 4 months 3 meals a day until they are 6 months Then they have 2 meals a day forevermore
Vaccine protocols have changed. We used to vaccinate our puppies at 6-7 weeks of age. However, vets are now asking breeders to allow families to vaccinate the puppies a little later. We now know that Puppies are born with natural immunity from their parents. Vaccinating to soon can affect the potency of the vaccine. Puppy will need to have their first vaccine from eight weeks of age. The second vaccine is two to four weeks after the first one . Your puppy will be able to go out for walks and be put on the ground in public areas one week after their second vaccine. We recommend a two-week gap as this allows you to socialise with your puppy sooner. Do you know that your dog's core vaccine schedule is actually every three years and not every year, as you are led to believe? There are some links below that will explain further.
The first core vaccinations are DHP ( Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis)
LEPTO AND KENNEL COUGH ARE NOT CORE VACCINES (You can choose if you want to give them)
Due to adverse side effects, we do not recommend that you give your pup Lepto. LEPTO IS NOT A CORE VACCINE.
Your chosen vet will try to convince you to give Lepto. We urge you to read all the links and information on the Lepto vaccine. Please make an informed choice. If you feel pressured, Lepto 2 is the better of the two evils. We can not stress enough. DO NOT GIVE THEM LEPTO 4. It can cause some very nasty side effects, including seizures and death. Lepto 2 gives your dog two strains of Lepto, and this is on top of the Core Vaccines. Lepto 4 gives them four strains of Lepto. There are studies that show that the Lepto vaccine is not effective. The main thing is to make yourself aware of are the Lepto symptoms, how they contract it and what to do if they do. Clearly, it is your decision, but please make an informed choice.
Due to the severe side effects, giving Lepto 4 will void Churchill's health warranty.
When your vet says, "Well, I've given thousands of Lepto Vaccines and not had a problem", please ask them how they monitor their canine clients. Do they contact them and check that they are not suffering any of the side effects of the Vaccine? Do they keep in touch purposely to monitor the dog's health? Do they treat dogs symptomatically and not tie the symptom with the vaccine?
Please do your own research. There are links below to help you make an informed decision. You will discover that many dogs have reacted to Lepto, and a high number have died.
Sadly not all cases are reported. Here's the thing more dogs die of the vaccine than they do of Lepto. The side effects of the vaccine can be life-changing. The vet will tell you that they have administered thousands of Lepto vaccines, and it’s fine. However, you are you can’t change the outcome if you are one of the unlucky ones late. We have had experience with other breeders where the vet refuses to connect the symptoms to the cause.
Take the wormer and flea treatment home with you.
Do not give flea and wormer at the same time as the vaccinations, as this will cause an overdose. Which could can cause an autoimmune response.
You can go back 2-weeks later for kennel cough. Likewise, if you do decide to give your puppy Lepto 2 give it separately from the other vaccines. Remember it's your puppy and your choice. Your puppy depends on you to make decisions on their behalf.
Titre antibody blood test
Did you know that there is an option for the antibody test for your dog rather than automatically giving the yearly vaccinations? This way, you'll see if they actually need them.
Ask your vet if they offer the Titre test. If they don't, you can go.to.any vet for a blood test.
Also, did you know that the core vaccine schedule is actually every three years, not annually as we are led to believe
The reason im sharing this is to ask you to make informed choices for our puppies xxx
Flea Treatment
We can not urge you enough not to give any oral flea medications. In particular, Bravecto, Nexgard And Simparica: (Churchills health warranty is void if you provide these products)
The listed side effects listed include death. Some dogs can have mild and terrible reactions to these pesticides. Others sadly lose their fight for life.
Please only give flea treatments for dropper application on the back of the neck. Never give oral flea treatments.
These oral flea treatments are causing our pets to suffer, and it is even killing our pets.
When your vet says, "well, I've given thousands of oral flea medications and not had a problem", please ask them how they monitor their canine clients. Do they contact them and check that they are not suffering any of the side effects of the Vaccine? Do they keep in touch purposely to monitor the dog's health? Or do they treat dogs symptomatically and not tie the symptom with the Vaccine?
Her symptoms included lethargy and sickness diarrhoea, and she even showed that the toxins were affecting her kidneys. This poor pup had been fed on chicken and rice for nearly a year.
We asked to see her medical records and discovered that she had been on oral flea treatment Bravecto since her ten-week vet check. We changed the products immediately and got her back onto a Raw healthy diet, and guess what? She was well, healthy and happy within two weeks of stopping the flea treatment. We hope that her kidneys can now heal.
Please remember that America is always one step ahead, and the UK is always slow to respond.
Please do not give oral flea medication to your pup or adult dog.
Your puppy has been wormed using Panacur liquid. It is important to keep your pup worm free. Worms can be picked up from the garden and other animals.
The correct worming dose is calculated based on weight.
When you go to the vet, they will weigh pup and give you your next wormer.
Going forward ...
Did you know that you can do worm counts rather than worming? or use worm counts as a little top up to double check there is no worms?
Combined Worm Egg Count and Lungworm Screens from Wormcount.com
Free puppy Insurance, Ok? Where do we start? As I'm sure you know, insurance companies offer breeders free insurance packs to send home with their puppies. This does seem significant until you realise it really is just a sales ploy to get your information so that they can sell you their Insurance. The free puppy insurance is full of things that you cannot claim, which kind of defeats the object. When we sign you up for the free Insurance, they insist we give them all your information which enables them not only to ask you to sign up with them but also to share your information with other chosen companies. The issue is that the free Insurance we send pups home with can't be used for 15 days from activation. When you take out Insurance, that too can't be used for 15 days from the activation, which means that your puppy won't be covered for the first month. Which isn't ideal. In addition to this, the other problem is that if you take out Insurance and there is any overlap on termination of one and the start of the other, your Insurance could be void because you effectively have two policies running. To provide you and your pup with the best cover, we recommend that you start your Insurance from a collection or, better still, as soon as you have chosen which means you are covered within 15 days from commencement rather than 30. In addition any claims on the free puppy insurance then becomes a pre-existing condition which your new policy won't cover. You will needs pups microchip for the insurance policy When it comes down to choosing your insurance company, it comes down to your insurance budget and what you want to cover. Pop onto Australian Labradoodles UK on Facebook and pop insurance in the search bar of the group...this subject has been discussed before, and there are lots of recommendations.
ORDER YOU FREE FOOD NOW (click on the link)
We feed all our dogs a species appropriate natural raw diet. We understand the benefits of feeding a raw diet and now more and more pet owners are coming round to the logic of feeding raw, natural, unprocessed ingredients. Precise nutrition through extensive analysis of exceptional meats, vegetables and botanicals. Every recipe is available in convenient portion sizes. Its never been easier to feed an amazing diet. Just like us. They are what they eat.
Pups must have the same Able food as they have here with us.
Above is your link to your free able pack of food. Pups will leave us having four meals a day
It's really important to continue to feed the same food. A sudden change will cause an upset tummy. Amount, In order to grow and develop your puppy, requires 570 Kcal each day 377g – 400g per day split over 4 meals. This will increase as they grow until the volume stabilises at 1 year old. Please continue to refer to Able’s website to check the volume of food needed. Feeding guidelines — Able® Raw Dog Food Leave water down all day but take up the food after 15 - 20 mins (you can pop the leftovers in the fridge for lunch. Breakfast 06.30am - 07.30am Mid Morning 11.00am - 11.30am Afternoon 15.00pm - 15.30pm Evening 19.00pm - 19.30pm Obviously, you can move the times slightly to suit your life. Please remember to continue to give the pup 4 meals a day. Their tummies are only tiny so they need to eat little and often. If you find that they are waking up too early you can give a little top up of food just before bed or gradually move the feeding times so that the last meal is at 8.-8.30 They need 4 meals a day until they are 4 months 3 meals a day until they are 6 months Then they have 2 meals a day forevermore
Able calculator has only got the selection for three meals a day so what we need to do is to calculate the total per day and then just split it into four
They have four meals up until age 4 months
Then three meals a day until 6/7 months
Then two meals breakfast and dinner forevermore
At the moment they’re weaned onto the chicken and turkey as it’s the blindest of combinations but they can have any of the puppy foods.
As a breed, they can be food monsters and attempt to lead you on a Merry food dance of switching and swapping food and adding things to encourage them to eat... They are smart dogs this is actually the worst thing you can do as they will play with you
once you know they enjoy a good food stick with it
I’m going to add another link to an online company called all about dog food if you should ever decide to change their food please check the quality and nutritional value on this site before changing them able to score 98 /99% out of 100 it is a fabulous food.
All of my dogs eat able there are lots of flavours
It’s very easy to feed.
It comes in flat packs like packets of crisps that you just open and pop straight in a bowl to defrost.
if you select the option for a scheduled repeat delivery there is an additional 5% off they deliver straight to your door in boxes frozen... so calculate the amount you need and then just do a repeat order.
First of all, you will be ordering their puppy range once the pup is 20 weeks you can move onto the junior range. As soon as you wish and think that they are able to have the bigger chunks of meat then you can move to the adult range. unlike other raw foods on the market, it is not mushy and it’s full of lovely big chunks of meat and offal with visible vegetables.
just in case you’re tempted please don’t feed any Kibble with a raw diet as they digest at very different rates and can cause gases.
when you feed them a raw diet they don’t need anything else. Add bones and meat chews. I have another link for those which I will also add they can have any bone as long as it is raw never give cooked bones as they splinter Puppy Pack — Able® Raw Dog Food
We would like to encourage you to feed a healthy natural diet and that includes treats and chews too.
Natures menu have a brilliant range of bagged frozen bones and chews. Pups and dogs can have bones as long as they are not cooked. Which is exactly how they would eat in the wild. A wolf doesn't cook his food. Bones become brittle when they are cooked. Have a look at the natures menu range. We give the pups natures menus bones from when they are 4 weeks and they love them.
Natures menu is just for the bones which they can have Natures menu food is full of rice and fillers but the bones are good and hand as they are in sealed Raw Natural Wet and Dry Dog Food, Treats & Nuggets | Natures Menu
Healthy Dog Treats | Natural Dog Treats - Doggytreat.co.uk
Health dog treats, Specialising in 100% natural dog treats. They have a wide variety of tasty treats to choose from.
Here is a shocker for you. All about dog food website is a brilliant source of information.
All about dog food breaks down just about every food on the market from the very very bad to the amazing. They all have scores 100% being the best 1% being the worst.
Able dog food scores 99%
Please share the website with family and friends
Basic Shopping List
As you venture out shopping for your puppy here’s an essential list of Toys.... Things to chew and soft toys too Avoid cheap chew toys from places like £1 land or home bargains because they will be able to bite bits off. The soft toys from these places are ok tho Kong's are great and puzzle toys like snuffle mats When you choose treats buy those that are suitable for pups from 8 weeks as others may be a little rich Natural treats are great natures menu do a brilliant range Pets at home is a bit of a one stop shop and will have everything you need from bowls to leads toys treat and beds Beds...they love the cozy doughnut beds or others with sides something you can wash is handy When Puppy leaves us Pup will be between 3 to 4 kg in weight Collar should be a small Harness should be small too Both collars and harnesses are adjustable so will last for a couple of months Don't go crazy on price as they will grow out of them quite quickly Training line is handy for those early off lead experiences you let them drag on the floor and tread on them when needed its easier to catch a 10 metre line than it is to catch an excited puppy Dog whistle for recall is great ill add a how to whistle recall to the topics Drinking Water bottle is a must but we give you those along with blanket treats and some toys Puppy pen or gate I've added a topic for those Remember some pups can climb so you'll need a tall pen The harness must be one with a chest plate that is designed for car travel, they should come with a clip to attach to the car seat belt or headrest Some harnesses don’t have a clip to undo around the neck and instead go over like a jumper these are great but if the sizing is off you won’t get it on and off the head easily as they grow The ones that clip around the neck and body last longer
Crate or Pen
PUPPY PEN OR CRATE??? Many of you know that I'm not a lover of crates. I see absolutely no reason to cage a dog or puppy. Yes, they need a safe place when you pop to the shops or have something to do that isn’t safe for them. A cosy bed in a quiet area of the house with a gate can provide that. When you first bring them home, a large pen is an excellent alternative to a crate.
I’ve lived with dogs since the 70s and have never once used a cage. (crate as we call them now)
They need to be able to follow you around the house and be at the heart of a family, which is precisely where they belong. Please remember caged puppies and dogs can’t learn or interact. Neither can they if you are at work all day.
If you decide to use a crate...Never leave an adult dog caged for more than a couple of hours and ask yourself why you need to lock the door on an adult trained dog?
If you are looking at a crate as a cosy den… a safe place… then you don’t need to lock it. They should be free to go in and out when they want. Remember, Puppies need to wee outside extremely frequently, and they can’t hold themselves for long. Crating a puppy while you are at work is not an option.
Australian Labradoodles are incredibly sociable. They will want to know where you are, what you’re doing and will want to help… particularly if you oh digging a hole.
If you are working, leaving a pup in a crate for hours isn’t fair, nor is it for an adult dog. Puppies are like children. You need to be with them and teach them. Putting them in a crate or pen for hours is because you can’t watch them, and that’s not their fault. This is the sort of pen that is ideal.
Alternatively, a gate on a safe room or hallway
Ellie-Bo Heavy Duty Modular 6 Piece Indoor Puppy Exercise Play
Preparing children
Preparing children to engage correctly with your puppy is a must, please think back to when your children were babies. You would have been super protective and wouldn't have allowed a child to come in and carry baby around in case they dropped them or picked them up in a way to cause accidental harm. You also wouldn't allow them to keep poking baby or waking them up. Puppies are just as delicate and sensitive.
What we want is calm, quiet and gentle.
Teach children to give pup space and time to adjust to their new home.
Our top. a tip is to teach young children useful, easy sayings like
“Let sleeping dogs lie.”
“ All four paws on the floor”
A great idea which young children (which they love) is a puppy cuddle cushion that children sit on to engage with a pup.
You could find one with a dog photo on it or put their names on it.
If you are handy or your children like being creative...while you are waiting for your pup, buy your plain cushion and use fabric pens with your children to decorate the puppy's cuddle cushion.
The floor scatter cushions are fabulous.
No shoe rule is a must as bare feet feel a pup's paws.
It’s imperative that children don’t pick the pup up.
Children may not be able to pick them up securely and could accidentally hurt them, which could create future fear when children approach. The cuddle cushion and all four paws on the floor work great to avoid this.
Create positive interaction by getting them involved in positive training, grooming and feeding. Children love reading to pups and dogs. Encourage children to talk to pup even showing them their homework and art. Encourage drawing their own posters of how to interact with pup.
Children love teaching sit and paw. It's a great way to teach children and your dog to respect each other.
Take the children with you to your training classes or teach them when you come home.

Harness Car Safety

The safest way for pup to travel home, would be in a harness, attached to a car seatbelt. You can buy these online.
However remember pup will be growing all the time, so don't spend too much on their first harness.
Harnesses that are suitable for the car will have a chest plate and the seat belt strap will attach to the back. They will state that they are a car/travel harnesses. Another option for travelling home with pup is to pop pup in a crate. The crate must be designed for the car they can be attached to the back seat or boot using straps.
Finally pup can sit in the footwell of the car.
Naturally you will want to cuddle pup all the way home. which is fine. But please remember that just like a child........if you brake hard or someone bumps into you, unless your pup is safe and secure your pup will fly through the car.
If you buy a doggy seat belt with a clip like the one pictured you will be able to sit them on your lap and attach their belt to your belt. NEVER put pup under your belt. Your body weight will crush them in an accident.
Baxter and Bella online training school
Good news... we have teamed up with BAXTER & Bella to provide you with an instant 25% off discount for lifetime access to their Online Puppy School! It includes a STEP-BY-STEP PROGRAM to follow, CLASSES & COURSES to attend, GAMES to play, ACTIVITIES for successful socialization, and unlimited LIVE! HELP with their team of professional trainers, as well as so much more!
We highly recommend it, and you can save 25% instantly by entering the discount code: CHURCHILLS
LEARN MORE about BAXTER & Bella HERE: https://www.baxterandbella.com/learn-more
Simply click on the link above and use the code CHURCHILLS

Baxter and Bella are great, their positive training guides are brilliant, however, please by pass the crate training. We disagree with crate training and would rather that you opt for a pen or safe room instead. We politely ask that you avoid being brainwashed by the latest fad for putting dogs in cages. Rather than following the latest trend, make your own decision. From my heart to yours no animal should be caged.
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to become a new puppy parent - it is without any doubt one of the most exciting, most rewarding and most worthwhile experiences we know!
As you are likely already looking forward to the day when you will bring your dog home, please recognize right now is the very best time to begin preparing… YES - even prior to picking up your puppy!
In fact, one of the more common questions we receive from our prospective pet parents is,
"How do we best prepare for and successfully train our new puppy?"
This isn't a big surprise as everyone wants a calm, well-mannered and better-behaved family pet. More often than not however, they don't know what to do or how to do it.
To help with this, and in a sincere effort to provide our families with options, we have teamed up with BAXTER & Bella who offers an online step-by-step program with all of the training help you will need to become suitably educated, sufficiently prepared and successfully experienced in all things dog ownership!
As part of this partnership, BAXTER and Bella provides our pet families an instant 25% savings off on their Lifetime Membership. just use the code CHURCHILLS
LEARN MORE about BAXTER & Bella HERE: https://www.baxterandbella.com/learn-more
Again, this online dog training program provides everything needed in order to achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship, including a STEP-BY-STEP PROGRAM to follow, CLASSES & COURSES to attend, GAMES to play, ACTIVITIES for successful socialization, unlimited LIVE! HELP with their team of professional trainers, as well as so much more!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions and here's to your happy and healthy pet parenting!

"I LOVE this website! It has made training so doable - I never would have been able to get this puppy and keep my sanity without the detailed program you provide. The videos are amazing and make it so easy. I will be recommending this website to anyone I know who is getting a dog!" ~Alexa
"At first we were most excited about the low price! Nobody could beat it. So, we took a chance. Then the amount of content was unbelievable. So many great recommendations on which products to buy. I dove right in and made sure I followed every video to the best of my ability. She even has charts that I was able to track his behaviors." ~Ryan
"I cannot say enough good about this program! I am a first time dog owner and had no idea where to begin. This program gave me the direction I needed. We have used the program for four months and our puppy is now six months old. I am frequently getting compliments from family, friends, pet care professionals, and strangers about how well behaved our dog is for being a puppy." ~Amy
"I highly recommend this training program! I love the practical tips and the ‘learn at your pace’ format. The combination of written information and videos is really nice. I also had a specific problem with my puppy with the training and contacted Amy. She was quick to respond with a thorough, personalized response. Love it!" ~Angela
"I highly recommend Baxter & Bella to every dog owner! I am a first time dog owner, but the resources are excellent for any dog owner at any age. When we got our Cavapoo puppy we decided to enroll at the local pet store for training classes. The classes were good, but Baxter & Bella has been so much better!! The curriculum is both more in-depth and broad. We also considered hiring a personal dog trainer, but Baxter & Bella is much more affordable, long-term, and based on my schedule. I love the videos because I can watch them over again by myself or with my children. You can’t do that at the pet store. The LIVE! Office hours were amazing! I asked all my individualized questions and received answers and encouragement I needed, including links to her videos. The range of services available is excellent, for times when I want to go in-depth or when I need a quick answer using the Search feature. I feel 100% supported in training my puppy now and for years to come. I do not think I could receive better service anywhere else. Thank you!" ~Melanie
Meet the Trainer
Professional Educator
I received my professional degree from Utah State University in Mathematics Education and enjoyed the privilege of serving as a full-time teacher for multiple years. Throughout my experience in various capacities, and in working with kids from many diverse backgrounds, I learned how much I truly love helping others realize their full potential no matter the subject material. Teaching has been an amazing opportunity for me to observe that moment when the light turns on for an individual learner and they begin to better understand how to properly connect concepts for optimal outcomes.
Professional Trainer
Now as a professional trainer, working with dogs has always been a dream of mine and I am blessed to be able to strategically combine this lifelong passion with my background in both education and curriculum development in order to effectively teach and efficiently train inside the dog world. I have an enthusiasm for working with others, a sincere commitment to excellence and I know first hand the key to successfully impacting the statistics on the number of pets that ultimately remain in loving homes where they belong hinges upon the community of many professionals who work to properly help coach animal owners everywhere how to connect, learn and teach others to live with their animals.
After turning my interest into a profession, families started contacting me to train their dogs for them, which set me on an ongoing adventure of seeking education and professional development in the dog training world. As I enjoyed the books, the classes, the mentors and, of course, the teaching and the training time with the animals, I absolutely loved the learning and the implementing of it all by helping others. Through it all, I considered how I could have an even bigger influence for good and wanted to be able to send home resources and materials with every trained dog I worked with in order for the family to continue the training that had been taught and understand more completely the education their puppy received while in my care. I subsequently created the BAXTER & Bella company with the hopes of sharing my training knowledge with as many new puppy parents as possible. Today, with a business that is growing and a commitment to continue forward, I am dedicated to providing the most current, up-to-date and impactful resources, tips, tricks, tools and techniques that are as much about teaching family pets how to appropriately act, as they are about coaching pet parents how to effectively train. In fact, here at BAXTER & Bella, it's part of our DNA and will always be whom we are... successfully building positive and respective relationships with our animals as we continue to work toward becoming best friends through love and learning!
I have years of experience in the animal training world. In addition to currently training puppies for everyday family life, educating individuals through the use of my online puppy school and working one-on-one with clients in their homes, I have completed a semester of study in Animal Science at Utah State University, spent nine months training puppies at Puppy Steps Training in Northern Utah, apprentice trained for 18 months at Good Dog! Autism Companions and am now a professional service dog trainer for their organization. I have learned so many things through these experiences and love sharing my knowledge with others in ways that will help those around me better puppy parents. I am also an AKC CGC Evaluator professional member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), committed to using science-based, positive and force-free training methods. I train without the use of force, pain, fear, or intimidation.
In addition to the things listed above, I strongly believe in life-long learning and am currently enrolled in a Masters's training program to enhance methods, improve materials and build better relationships throughout the future!
Wife & Mother
Along with being a math educator and puppy trainer, I am very blessed with the title of wife and mother. I am an enthusiastic stay-at-home mom who chooses to spend a portion of my time volunteering in classrooms for my three children, working with puppies, as well as creating educational materials for the everyday puppy owner. My dream is simple - I hope that through teaching you how to pick a puppy, in addition to training the basic household manners, instilling the necessary obedience commands and introducing proper socialization skills, I will be able to positively impact the number of dogs who will remain living in homes with their families where they belong.
Does this program only work for new puppies?
ABSOLUTELY NOT JUST FOR PUPPIES! In fact, old dogs can learn new tricks with practice, patience and persistence, and although our program is great at proactively preventing those puppy problems from growing up into longer-term behavioural issues, any dog can benefit from the structure and routines of our online puppy school. In short, the skills we teach work for any dog at any age and the sooner you start, the faster you'll get the results you are looking for - so don't delay and join our Online Puppy School today!
Is everything really included with the one-time fee?
IT CERTAINLY IS! Our thoughts were you pay a one-time membership fee and get unlimited lifetime access to everything we offer, including a curriculum of lessons and videos to follow, games to play, activities for successful socialization, and LIVE! One-on-one help and so much more! As is with dog training and other things in life too, people naturally don't want to spend money until they know without a doubt that they have to do it. Unfortunately, then, sometimes pet parents will allow little things to go unfixed as a way to save money and see if they will go away on their own. So we created our program to be lifetime all access, such that whenever you need help, you get it, instead of delaying until later because it's always included! In short, our goal is to help you achieve better animal ownership and experience the very best in canine companionship, and we are committed to joining you each and every step of the way along the journey forever!
Do I need to use a computer for the training or can I use my phone?
GREAT QUESTION... and our program is built to work on any device with internet access, including your desktop, your tablet and your phone! In fact, to bring the program to your fingertips like never before, you can now download our mobile app from both the iOS App Store or the Google Play Market - ENJOY!
Is the training flexible to my and my puppy's needs?
YES, IT IS - super flexible and only takes a few minutes here and there throughout your day! We understand each dog is different and every family situation is unique, so we built a program where you and your dog decide the pace. In fact, the learning modules are set up such that you can see everything that is offered and move as fast, or as slow as you and your dog would like. What's more, you can skip around or go in order - the choice is yours!
And, when you need help with anything positive, pet parenting, included with the membership at no cost is unlimited LIVE! HELP with our team of professionals, which is our way to personalize the program to you and your dog individually!
Does LIVE! HELP, Events, Classes & Courses cost extra?"
NOPE... they are always included at no additional cost!
It's true; our Lifetime Membership is one-time fee that never expires and provides unlimited access to EVERYTHING we offer, including one-on-one LIVE! HELP as much as you want and as often as you need, in addition to participation in all of our LIVE! Q&A Events, virtual attendance in each of our Classes and Courses too, and so much more!
Additionally, the resources are all online, meaning everything is available around the clock and from anywhere you have an internet connection, including class & course recordings on demand to watch when it's most convenient and re-watch as much as you need!
Are the LIVE! HELP appointments really one-on-one?
YES! You simply book an appointment via our online LIVE! HELP page to schedule a personalized training session with our trainers, which are either one-on-one phone calls or one-on-one video sessions! These are a great way for us to personalize the training to your individual needs - admittedly, we love the video sessions because it's always nice to put a face with a name and be able to provide examples as needed while we work together!
Is this program good for a total beginner?
In fact, we designed this program for brand new pet parents, as well as experienced dog owners too and everyone in between - so rest assured, our program was developed with you specifically. What's more, it's built to be as much about teaching your dog how to act as it is about coaching you on how to train, guiding you through every step of training, which starts with our PREPARING FOR MY PUPPY learning module, then into THE FIRST WEEK TOGETHER module, followed by BASIC TRAINING, INTERMEDIATE TRAINING, ADVANCED TRAINING and so much more, as you and your dog work toward becoming best friends through love and learning together
Toxic Food and Plants
Basic Toxic list
Please note this is NOT a complete list it is just a guide.
If your dog does eat something that they shouldn't DO NOT HESITATE TAKE THEM TO THE VET STRAIGHT AWAY.
Please remember that the toxins take time to build up. You may think they are ok, but you can't see what's going on inside.
If your dog eats something you must get it out asap before it starts to break down. Go to the vet immediately, they will give them medication to make them sick. Don't be fooled into thinking they are ok. What goes down must come up. Please do not try to make them sick yourself. This is not something that you should try to do.
They will need a blood test too to check their kidney function.
Please look online for more information about things to avoid. Whenever you buy a plant it is imperative that you check online if it is toxic to animals. YOU MUST STOP using pesticides, slug pellets and weed killers. look for animal friendly safe products
Acetaminophen, which is found in Tylenol and other medications, can cause liver damage in dogs. Cats are even more sensitive: Ingestion of a single 325 mg tablet by a 10-pound cat can cause anaemia and even be fatal. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe.
Batteries can be toxic to both dogs and cats, leading to ulcers in the mouth, oesophagus and stomach. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe. ▪ •
Chocolate can cause seizures and death in dogs and cats. Darker chocolate, such as unsweetened baker’s chocolate, is more toxic than milk or white chocolate. Even cocoa bean mulch, when eaten in large quantities, can be a problem. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe. ▪
Detergents and fabric softener sheets can cause ulcers in the mouth, oesophagus and stomach in dogs and cats. Toxicity Ranking: mild to moderate
Ethylene glycol is found in antifreeze, windshield de-icing agents and motor oils. Dogs and cats are attracted to its sweet taste, but as little as a teaspoon in cats or a tablespoon in dogs can cause kidney failure. Recently, antifreeze and engine coolant manufacturers have agreed to voluntarily add bittering agents to reduce the products’ appeal to pets and children. Toxicity Ranking: severe to fatal.
Fertilizers can contain poisonous amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, herbicides and pesticides. Keep dogs and cats away from treated lawns until they are dry. Check the product packaging, though, since some products must be rinsed into the lawn before it is safe to walk on. Toxicity Ranking: mild to moderate.
Grapes, raisins and currants — even grape juice — in small amounts can cause kidney failure in dogs. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe.
Household cleaners, such as bleach, drain cleaners, ammonia and toilet bowl cleaners, can cause gastrointestinal ulcers and other problems in dogs and